Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Imaginary World Around Us

When you were little, your parents were always encouraging you to get outside and play, go use your imagination and make up something to do. 

Well, now we are seeing a lot of children of that era, grown into adults, who are now shutting themselves in the house, and launching into their own imaginary world again.

What am I talking about?  Well, sit back and relax, and I will explain myself to you.  :)

We all used our imagination back in our youth to turn a cardboard box into a car/rocket/train/plane/boat.  We could go anywhere in that box, be anything we wanted to be, do anything we wanted without the natural laws of physics or parental restraint.  Those were carefree days, when you could leave the hose running as long as you wanted (or until dad yelled), and stay outside all day without worrying about skin cancer. 

Nowadays, we have learnt about water restrictions and skin cancer, so the hose is put away, and the sun is avoided.   But everything else remains the same. 
You still jump in that box, and you still turn yourself into more than what you actually are, and there are pretty much no restraints as to how you should act while in that box. 

Yes folks, I am talking about your computer.

Anyone who has ever been in a chat room, knows what I am talking about.   Nobody goes into a chat room full of random people they don't know and says "Hi, my name is Roger.  I'm 38 years old, balding, fat, with severe acne scars and I live with my elderly mother in a two bedroom townhouse.".  
They go into a chatroom and make a conscious decision to portray themselves as whatever they want to be in life, which is quite often poles apart from what they really are. 

As a chat room veteran, one becomes used to the pitfalls of the anonymity afforded to people in chat rooms, and the BSD (Bull Shit Detector) becomes finely tuned to the undercurrents of fantasy that people create for themselves.   You let people talk for long enough, with all their preening and strutting, they eventually forget what they have told you, and tell you something different.  Or if you start making contact with them offline, then they let their guard down, and you find out what they are really like. 
That's when you are likely to experience disappointment, if you believed all their online swagger.
That man that promised to be the best lover you have ever had, able to deliver multiple orgasms in a single session, has probably never been able to finish a girl off once.  
That woman who says she is into all sorts of kinky sex in public places, probably won't even let you kiss her on the cheek in the supermarket.

To prove my point to friends in the past, I have gone into the chat rooms where people have known me, but under a completely different profile.  I have written that I am a middle aged man, ready and willing to be whatever was required of me.  I have ended up in 'cybersex' conversations with females I knew, who believed my male persona.  Even one female who doesn't like me, ended up wanting to meet my male persona because I had made her toes curl and other places want me. 

It is far too easy to be anyone you wish you could be in real life, when you click onto the internet.  There are no regulations in place to say that you have to be truthful in how you portray yourself.  And yet there are people out there, who take it personally when they find out the person they have been talking to is completely different to what they said they were.  They get into chat-room fights when someone they like has a fight with someone else.  They start abusing people for liking someone that they don't.  They get all their 'friends' to verbally attack someone for whatever minor reason they can come up with, or if they can't find one, they will invent one.  To some, it's the end of the world when someone 'un-friend's them on sites like FaceBook.  It is not the end of the world, because it isn't even the real world.

If you get upset for days and can't function in real life because someone online made a nasty comment, or someone took you off their friends list, then you need to look at how much you have regressed into your childhood fantasy land of climbing into the box and becoming someone else.
Whether it be a computer-based chatroom, or one you get into using your cellphone, you need to remember that all those screen names, and the people behind them, vanish when you turn off the device you used to access them.  It is a pretend world that should have no bearing on what happens when you are offline. 

If you believe I am right, or wrong, I welcome your feedback.  Leave me a comment here, or email me directly.  I will debate the issue with anyone who wishes to chat. 

Should you wish to find out more about me, or check out my discounted package deal on website creation, please wander on over to: .

Thanks for reading my ramblings.  :)

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