Monday, November 15, 2010

Facebook A Waste Of Time?

There was a report in the paper today, that some guy is nominating tomorrow as NUD, (national unfriend day) on facebook.

While I laughed when I first read it, I am actually allowing the idea to grow on me.  The story said that if you put "i'm shifting house in the weekend, can anyone help?", those who answer and offer to help are your true friends.  Whereas the ones that stay quiet are not really your friends.  It went on to say that people you only hear from in your newsfeed when they have done something on farmville and other such applications, are also not your friends, and therefore should be 'unfriended'.

Well, recently, I asked my facebook friends for help promoting the work from home business I am trying to get off the ground.  NOBODY responded.  And most of my 'friends' are people I have talked to offline, advised them in areas of family interactions and lovelife issues, and all manner of other problems they seek advice on.  When they were feeling down, I have been there to throw jokes, sympathise, do anything that a good friend does to pick another person up and dust them off.

As I pointed out to everyone in a later status rant, they can all fill my newsfeed with crap that people they DON"T KNOW have written and they clicked 'like' on, they can click 'share' on all sorts of random videos from youtube and the like, but NOT ONE of them could click on like when I shared my business link and asked for promotional help?  Quite frankly, it makes me rethink how available I will be the next time they are having an issue they would like advice on.

My 'friends' know I am a solo mother, trying to actually get ahead in this world, and not one of them could give me one click.

To learn more about me, or find out about my incredibly cheap website creation package, please visit:

1 comment:

  1. Granted there were a few friends who wouldn't have seen me ask, due to not having been online for a while. Those ones are not included in the list of people I am really irritated at. I know who was around, and I know who didn't respond.
